
If you wish to submit, or think yourself worthy of being a contributor, please contact Kia Silvercloud in SecondLife to apply.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Spotlight on Räal Soritha

Apparently, looks can be decieving.  Big mean dragon!  No... not really.  And he's not burning down that library... well... not literally, anyway.  He's really a bookworm.  "Rare race?" you ask.  No.  He's a dragon... who likes to read... and hangs out in libraries.  And the only burning of books he's doing is accidental when he sneezes.

Raal 02

Name: Räal (Raeal) Soritha

Race: Red Dragon

A short description of your character:
Often quiet, with a tendency to bottle his emotions up.  Having escaped from a demon, he has spent his entire life in a paranoid fear that the demon is just around the corner, ready to attack.
Due to his genetic defects, he can't fly, nor is he as strong as many other, properly formed dragons, leading to a more submissive personality than what would generally be expected.

A bit about your history:
I am from the north, hatched with genetic-defects. I'd lost my parents to a monster when I was but six months old. I've spent the rest of my life both hiding, and following that monster.  Over my life, I've made various libraries my home, reading through their contents. I've read much, and applied little.
I've seen a lot of lands, met a lot of people, and made a few companions, each seemingly more likely to have gotten me in trouble, than actually ever helped me.

How did you find Ambrea?:
With my last companion, Kyle, we'd taken a boat to escape the last town we were in. Thanks to my 'companion,' we were both charged with theivery and arson. Not my fault, by the way. So, we took the nearest boat we could find, in which was compiled of a chef that was more stomach than man, a captain that I could almost swear was blind, and a halfling.
So, Kyle and I arrived at the shores of Ambrea, to find the little halfling buggered off with our gold.

Raal 04

Where do you hang out most in Ambrea?:
Originally, I'd planned to make the library my home, until the Lady of the Ravens had burnt it down. Though, I find the tavern has a tendency to be peiceful enough at times, or I just roam around the lands of Ambrea.

Anything special about your character you would like to mention:
He's quiet, though often listens to the conversations around him. He has a deep desire for knowlege, to gain as much from everything as he possibly can.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Spotlight on Daishi

He is THE black dragon.  And not fat.  Definitely NOT FAT.  You hear me, Daishi?  NOT FAT.  But he still needs a pretty skirt.  Yes.  Most assuredly.  If you see him, run screaming into the night... or throw snowballs.  He really doesn't like snowballs.  If you hear about an attack by a black dragon, it was probably Daishi.  Thankfully, he's not around rping all that often, or we might all be dead now... and that would be sad.... Daishi!  Come back and plaaaaaayyyyyy!  I mean... I will... yeah... RUNNNNNN!!!!



A short description of your character: I'M BIG, I'M BLACK, I'M MEAN!

A bit about your history: I have old... I been roaming Ambrea since before Ambrea was here. I have fought in many wars and killed some of your friends for lunch.

How did you find Ambrea?: Hell, Myyst Dragged me out of her basement. "true story"

Where do you hang out most in Ambrea?: Hm... hard to say. Admin Area?

Anything special about your character you would like to mention: I WILL EAT YOU!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Spotlight on Бrégven

The absolute cutest thing to come to Ambrea in awhile, Бrégven is sure to steal the hearts of the masses.  He's a tiny little thing... and I really can't wait to meet him in character.  What more can you want than an adorable little gnome with his pointy hat and and one of the few characters that are actually shorter than I am!

Name: Бrégven

Race: Gnome

A short description of your character: I3ft, blue pointy hat, brown shirt and pants, pointy elf like shoes

A bit about your history: I'm a Forest Gnome who lives in Caesin and I'm an Herbalist. I mostly heal animals but as the war is happening I have turned to people. In my last forest I was part of the gnome council.

How did you find Ambrea?: A former friend told me

Where do you hang out most in Ambrea?: Caesin and Ravenscraig

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Spotlight on Sierra

Sierra is Adorable... with a capital A.  And Busty... with a double D.  Did I mention she is busty?  She is always at the tavern... well... since she's a BUSTY barmaid... I mean.. busy... yeah, that's right.  Don't get distracted by her cleavage, she's a feisty little thing and alot of fun.  I'm rather fond of her and quite glad she found her way to Ambrea.


Race:[Egyptian]Rare Mau Bastet

A short description of your character:Working class girl, with small ambitions.  She's friendly, non aggressive, maybe a bit jumpy around feral creatures

A bit about your history:Born to be the guardian of a high priestess, but her life never took that direction.  After her home was destroyed, she at a very young age tok her infant sister and traveled far away, raising her as if her own child, working menial jobs to get by, with only memories of her initial upbringing to guide her over the course of twenty years.

How did you find Ambrea?:A friend dragged her in

Where do you hang out most in Ambrea?:The tavern (Work there!) in Ravenscraig

Anything special about your character you would like to mention:She has a special talent for mixing herbs and fragrances for the sole purpose of alluring people to her and heightening people's pleasuring senses (ie aphrodesiacs)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Spotlight on Gemini

Gemini is one of the lovely fae who populate Ambrea.  I haven't had the pleasure of meeting her yet, but I'm sure that is just a matter of time.  Fae tend to flit about like the winds, going where they can cause the most mischief.  She is apparently a quiet person as well... so if you see her, it might behoove you to start up the conversation... or just admire her... fae like to be admired.  So do mer.... and shinies.. and candy.  Yes, candy is good.

Name: Gemini

Race: Fae

A short description of your character: gentle soul she wonders from place to place speading alittle light in the dark corners

A bit about your history: born unto magic , nature her friend she wonders helping thoes in need . No real family around her she was born just after her forest was distoried

How did you find Ambrea?: searching somewhere new to rp

Where do you hang out most in Ambrea?: just starting out so finding my way around

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Spotlight on Lukka Rookswood Naqu'ul

Lukka.... the hard put upon Speaker for the high elves. Always dealing with healers bringing home feral dragons, elves getting drunk, and pretty boys who are just too lovely for their own good. Life is hard when you are Speaker, yes? Did I mention his hobbies include getting drunk at the Sithen with the Ard Rhi?

Lukka Rookswood Naqu'ul

Elf/fae hybrid

A short description of your character:

Tall for an elf, elementally allinged to air.
 Orchel Penedh of Tol Mithlond (Eminent Speaker of Tol Mithlond).
Likes: Pietro, cats, peacocks, parties, drinking, dancing, weddings, food, beauty, intelegance, libraries, sex, valerian root, art, music, Pie's cooking, fountains, small boats, meditation, games...
Dislikes: Self-rightousness, selfishness, greed, theft, undue rudeness, stagnation, stubbornness

A bit about your history:

Raised by humans after escaping a wildfire that destroyed his birth clan, Lukka was brought up with a fair amount of knowledge in traditional healing meathods, and due to his longevity took several years learning the healing arts with an emphasis on herbalism and research. He moved to Ravensnest just on the edge of Ravenscraig to continue his research, though after a fair amount of time found himself wishing to learn more about his own people. (It is a secret he keeps that he is part fae) He moved to Tol Mithlond to begin a new life within their halls, and after the resignation of the previous Lord Speaker, Lord Thingol returned from the upper planes long enough to name and bless Lukka as the new Eminent Speaker and standing ruler of the elflands. He currently resides there happily with his lover, keeping up friendly relations with the neighboring powers and working toward returning Tol Mithlond to its original grandure.

How did you find Ambrea?:
The hot destinations>rolplaying page on the Second Life website

Where do you hang out most in Ambrea?:
The elven city of Tol Mithlond (East side of river in the Tol Mithlond sim)

Anything special about your character you would like to mention:
Secretly 1/4th Unseelie Fae. Has sectoral heterochroma - purple with blue segments. Body almost entirely covered with protective, arcane tattoo.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Spotlight on Grim Grim

Who better for a Valentine's day post!!  Grim Grim... watch him, he will hump your leg and then steal your drink. Well known trouble maker, and somehow leader of the Black Wing Mercenaries.... Wierd, I know.  If you want to find him... check the jails and taverns... he's likely either causing trouble or locked up for causing trouble.  Is there an Ambrean record for most arrested character?  I don't know, but if there was, he would be the winner, hands down.


Race:goblin war breed aka GREMLIN

A short description of your character: bread for war knows only to do his task and to how to do it in many twisted way all ending in death for the target

A bit about your history:grim grim bread by the goblins for the use to end the goblin war did so but at the cost of many other lives of the innocent
thus was throwen from the kings land after her brutly murdered the king goblin by the son of the king and his guards from that point he became a mercenary and started to travle across the land in search of work

How did you find Ambrea?: ((ooc joshm my brother)) ic. followed the trail of smoke from the dragon attacks as hunting dragons became a hobbie when not working for someone

Where do you hang out most in Ambrea?: JAIL.... the taverns, death island (ambera sea) but makes his rounds across the land

Anything special about your character you would like to mention: yum yum metal dont make me eat your stuff gives me coins or i stab you then eats your stuff, leader of blackwing merc corp. a army at his fingertips try not to piss him off insted GIVE HIM RUM! AND CIGGARS